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Rozan Elementary - Virtual

  • 6 Steps


Our Speak Persian course does exactly that—teach you to actually speak the Persian language the way Iranians do in conversation! Over the course of 90 + audio lessons, you go from being a complete beginner in the Persian language to understanding what others are saying and confidently responding as well. A bit more on our lessons: We teach conversational Persian, not the formal, written version taught in most courses Go from not knowing a word to being able to understand and speak with our bite sized lessons Study at your own pace — each audio lesson is about 15-20 minutes each, and includes study material to help you absorb the information You don’t need to be able to read and write Persian to understand the lessons- we include English phonetic spellings of all the words we learn in the study guides

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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